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Hi, I'm Patrick!
Poly Foreman
Patrick is the Poly Foreman at APD, a critical role he has thrived in since joining our team three years ago. With specialized training and certification in the polyjection process, Patrick has become an indispensable asset to our crew. His expertise extends deeply into all facets of concrete repair, positioning him as a knowledgeable leader in our operations.
Patrick's responsibilities at APD include not only overseeing the polyjection projects but also educating and engaging with clients about the process. His ability to demystify the technical aspects of our work and demonstrate the benefits of polyjection has greatly enhanced customer trust and satisfaction.

A Little About Me
Born and raised in the vibrant community of Pasco County, I have always been intrigued by how things work, which naturally steered me towards a career in practical mechanics and repair. My early fascination with building and fixing has grown into a professional passion, making every workday an exciting challenge.
My colleagues at APD know me as someone who is not only a foreman but also a friend who is always ready to lend a hand or share a laugh. My approachability and commitment to excellence make me a favorite among our clients and a respected figure within the team.

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